Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Dont Let Fear Limit Your Career Potential - CareerAlley

Dont Let Fear Limit Your Career Potential - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Fear: it can be your biggest barrier to success. Fear can keep you in your comfort zone, stop you from going after your hearts desire, and place limits on your life. For the sake of this article, we are applying this to your career potential. Consider the following fears, each one of which could stop you from achieving your career dreams. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay The fear of sharing your weaknesses You know youre not perfect, but your pride might hold you back from letting others know about the areas you are weakest in. You might be afraid of what they will think of you, so you plod on within your career, never advancing because you stay rooted within your limited skill set. You might then get passed over for promotion within your career. However, if you had the courage to speak to your boss about training possibilities, or if you had asked a colleague for help, the reality may have been very different. Fear: it can be your biggest barrier to success. Fear can keep you in your comfort zone, stop you from going after your heart's desire, and place limits on your life. Tweet This The fear of returning to work after a career break Many women (and men) often take a career break for family reasons, perhaps because of maternity leave or to spend longer time at home caring for their childrens needs. According to this article, many people then fear returning to work because they are afraid the workplace has moved on too much and because their skills have become irrelevant. However, this fear can be alleviated. If youre on a career break, you should ensure your time at home is wisely spent. Getting back out in the career field after a break is not uncommon. Reasons can be pursuing higher education to learn new skills, becoming a carer for a family member or to start a family of your own. Making the decision to get back into work can be daunting but it doesnt need to be. Getting Back On The Career Ladder You might want to run a small business from home, for example, not only to raise your income while youre away from work but to build on skills that might be relevant to the career you are looking to get into or return to. You might also want to take on professional qualifications appropriate to your career, many of which, such as these Grand Canyon University nursing courses for those in healthcare, can be taken part-time and in some cases, online. You can then sharpen your skills without losing your competitive edge when you later interview for roles in your profession. You should also stay in touch with previous employers and colleagues, as by staying on their radar, you might find a route to return to your previous workplace. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The fear of asking for a promotion If you know you deserve a promotion, then you are in your right to ask. While your employer should have picked up on your talents already, sometimes the onus needs to be on you to remind them. But if youre afraid of knocking on your bosses door, perhaps because you already fear him or her, or because you fear your request will be rejected, then that promotion might never be yours. Therefore, you need to pluck up the courage. There are some useful tips here on asking for a promotion, and there is plenty of advice online about speaking to difficult bosses, so do a little research. That one conversation could make all the difference to your career, so despite your trepidation, think of the positive outcome that might prevail. Finally So, is fear limiting your career potential? It very well might be if what we have suggested today relates to your life. But despite your fears, know that your future may be brighter if you can power through them, with greater financial and personal rewards. Let us know what you think, and if you are somebody who has managed to conquer their fears, especially in relation to the fears we discussed here, please share your wisdom with us for the benefit of our readers. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It̢۪s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

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