Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Reach the Emerging Workforce with College

Reach the Emerging Workforce with CollegeReach the Emerging Workforce with CollegeReach the Emerging Workforce with College Customer Service Team Recruiting the emerging workforce to your company has always been a challenge. Our customers consistently ask us for advice on how to get their job postings in front of college students.Campus information sessions and job fairs are great, but these practices severely limit the reach of your message. Also, the travel and costs associated with these visits can be a drain on the recruiting budget.MonsterCollege is student-focused site that allows employers to promote their recruitment brand to qualified college students and recent grads. MonsterCollege provides studentseekers with a unique erreichbar community where they can search jobs and internships, find interview tips, review resume templates and find articles that focus on their specific job search experiences.As an employer, you can post your college entry level jobs on and further ex tend its reach to active and passive seekers on MonsterCollege.Even better The job search function on MonsterCollege displays entry level, student and internship job postings at no additional cost.For a job posting to appear in the MonsterCollege job search widget, it needs to be set up with at least one of the posting types described belowAll jobs with Emerging Workforce Career Ad Network (EW CAN)All jobs marked with the Career Level Student (Undergraduate/Graduate) and with Work Experience = Less than 1 Year or 1+ to 2 Years*All Internship jobsis excited to afford you the opportunity of reaching the emerging workforce in a more convenient way than ever before.*Note Non-Emerging Workforce Career Ad Network (CAN) job postings marked as Entry Level will only display when the Career Level and Work Experience is set as indicated above.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

10 ways to indulge and stay healthy this holiday season

10 ways to indulge and stay healthy this holiday season10 ways to indulge and stay healthy this holiday seasonBefore the holidays ruin your wellness plan and make you turn as green as the Grinch, try these 10 ways to help you stay on track and keep your festive spirit.Often we feel if we cant stick to our regular routine, then why bother? As researchers in nutrition and physical activity behaviours, we know that maintaining wellness over the holidays is easier than starting over again in the new year.Going into the holidays with a plan to overcome adversity (think letzter gang tray) is more effective than no plan at all. Indulge, a little, while still feeling good about yourself.1. To start, cut yourself some slackExercisers who show self-compassion after an interrupted routine do better at getting back on track with their exercise goals. If you over-indulge at a holiday party, give yourself a break, and plan to regain control the next day.2. Plan (and make a backup plan)Planning is key to healthy eating and staying active. If the great outdoors inspire you, plan a few outdoor activities each week, but have a few indoor activities as a backup should Mother Nature have plans of her own.If numerous parties threaten to derail your healthy eating habits, plan on a small, protein-rich snack before heading out. It may seem silly to eat before, but a pre-party snack will keep you satisfied and less likely to overeat when youre there.3. Choose wisely at the food tableUsing a small-sized plate for snacks may actually trick your brain into thinking youre eating more and leave you feeling fuller compared to using a large plate.If theres only one size of plate available and its huge, dont despair Pick four or five foods youd really like to try, and take the smallest portion necessary to satisfy your cravings.4. Get creative about exerciseBe creative about sneaking in some ways to add activity time to your festivities.Being active doesnt have to mean counting reps at the gy m - go sledding and run back up the hill or plan an indoor scavenger hunt if the weather is too cold. Get the whole family involved and off the couch.5. Stick with a routineInterruptions to routine make it easy to abandon all good intentions. Its hard to regain healthy behaviours once weve taken a hiatus and enjoyed the good life.Stick with a few elements of your routine to make getting back into the swing of things easier after the holidays.6. Try mindful eatingEating is enjoyable, but overdoing it can leave us feeling less than cheerful.To keep your stomach connected with your brain as you eat, try mindful eating - the practice of being fully present while savouring each bite.Experiencing food this way forces you to focus on feelings of fullness and satisfaction, and may even help control how much you eat.7. Choose activities that feel goodBy picking activities and healthy foods that you enjoy, youre more likely to stay active and eat healthy. When you choose activities that mak e you feel good, youre more likely to come back for more, so even if you do some intense exercise, build in time for a relaxing cooldown.8. Know what youre drinkingRaising a glass goes hand-in-hand with the holidays, but can quickly sabotage plans for healthy holiday living. Cocktails often contain hidden calories, can cause us to overeat and make it harder to be active the next day.To stay on track while enjoying some holiday cheer, familiarize yourself with actual serving sizes for alcoholic beverages, and follow each alcoholic drink with sparkling water or another non-alcoholic beverage.9. Make your own festive foodsWhile the holiday season can be a whirlwind, take time to prepare your own foods as much as possible. By DIY-ing meals, you can create healthy alternatives to holiday favourites.And while youre at it, get the kids involved in whipping up the holiday feast kids who learn how to cook gain skills beyond food prep that they carry into adulthood.10. Crank up the musicMusi c can help motivate you to persist in and enjoy exercise, so crank up the Boney M. Christmas tunes while you run on the treadmill - find music you like and youll find it easier to get moving.No matter which of the 10 ways you choose to help you on your wellness journey, we wish you a happy, active holiday season with friends and family.Melanie Gregg, Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, University of Winnipeg and Danielle Defries, Associate Professior of Nutritional Sciences, University of WinnipegThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Resume Guides for Specific Industries Marketing, Sales, Accounting and More

Resume Guides for Specific Industries Marketing, Sales, Accounting and More Resume Guides for Specific Industries Marketing, Sales, Accounting and More So many people write a resume focused on their needs not the needs of the employers. In other words, they focus on their previous work history and responsibilities and what they want to do next. A good resume, however, focuses on results and achievements, and matches the needs of the job description for each specific job, and how they can help the company succeed going forward.Its tricky, but it helps to follow specific resume writing trends, guidelines, and resume tips for each specific industry. For example, a ausverkauf resume should have different results and achievements than an information technology resume. In sales, the focus should be on sales figures, number of accounts managed, proof of new business development, or exceeding sales quotas. In IT, achievements relate to project-based work, technologies used, and the end resu lts of those projects, implementations, or developments.To best align your resume with the latest resume writing trends and resume writing best practices by industry, we have put together this list of resume guides that highlights resources that can help job seekers with backgrounds in marketing, sales, accounting, finance, information technology, nursing, and even for those seeking part-time jobs How to write a marketing resume recruiters will noticeDespite knowing how to sell products and services, many marketers have a hard time selling themselves. Creating a standout resume is a skill all marketers need to perfect if they want to grow their career.How to write a winning sales resumeWhen a recruiter or hiring manager is looking at a sales resume, her eyes naturally search for several must-have key elements that are unique to only the sales field. Find out what they are here. Resume tips for new accounting gradsWriting an effective resume can be a challenge for newcomers looking f or entry-level accounting jobs. Follow these tips for success. Resume writing tips for finance professionalsFollow these seven resume writing tips to help launch or take your finance career to the next level.Resume tips for information technology jobsInformation technology jobs are hot, and IT professionals are in-demand. Those with the best resumes get noticed, and get interviews. Follow these tips to get noticed. The Ultimate Guide to Nursing ResumesThis guide serves as an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide for nurses looking to fix common resume writing mistakes, and develop a targeted, well-written nursing resume that will help you take the next step in your career. How to write a resume for part-time jobsIf youre among the growing number of people seeking part-time work, this is for you.Resume writing is challenging, follow these tips within your industry, to stand out and create a resume that gets results.To gain further insight, check out Jobscans ownresume guides.About Matt KrumrieMatt Krumrie is a professional resume writer who has written over 2,000 articles on resumes and titelseite letters, the job search and other trending career-related topics. He was named a top 50 career professional to follow on Twitter, and works with job seekers of all backgrounds and experience. Follow Matt on Twitter. Connect with Matt on LinkedIn. Hire Matt Krumrie to write your resume.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Left-handed CEOs share their best career advice

Left-kralleed CEOs share their best career adviceLeft-handed CEOs share their best career adviceAny Google search about lefties and youll be confronted with lots of studies about Southpaws Theyre more creative. They use both sides of their brain more fluidly. They tend to be better at multitasking. The list goes on - and science has plenty to conclude about lefties. Though your dominant hand likely has little to do with your performance reviews (and hey, chances are slim your boss even knows if youre right or left-handed), this estimated 10% of the population approaches work differently. Or rather, because of how theyve adjusted to life in a world designed for righties, theyve learned different strategies for success.Regardless if your hand gets smudged when you write on a whiteboard or not, these smart nuggets of wisdom from left-handed CEOs are beneficial to any careerEmbrace your challengesIf you ask the CEO of Thursday Boots, Nolan Walsh, growing up left-handed welchesnt a negat ive experience, but rather, an advantage. He never felt insecure or burdened by his South Paw preference, but rather, he saw the benefits. He could effectively play basketball, baseball, tennis, and soccer as a leftie.He also studied differently than his classmates explaining, While right-handed people can see the words they write as they move across a page, when you write left-handed, your vision of the previous words you write is obstructed by your hand. I think this taught me to be more thoughtful and precise is my writing, he shared.All of these experiences presented challenges if you look at them that way, but for Walsh, embracing his differences and seeing the perks of being unique made him into a stronger worker.Get comfortable with the uncomfortableThough the CEO and co-founder of Babyation, Sam Rudolph writes and eats left-handed, he does everything else with the opposite side.I swing a bat right-handed. I cut right-handed. I use right-handed scissors, and I kick with my ri ght foot. Im pretty sure thats because growing up, my teachers and parents couldnt figure out how to do things backwards, he explains.Though it might have been an uphill battle at the time, he thinks of it as early training in adaptability and being pushed out of my comfort zone - a skill thats carried him through his life and career.To this day, Im most comfortable when Im uncomfortable. I didnt realize it at the time, but it was perfect training for running a startup, he adds.Worry less about what people thinkWhen the CEO of Sheree Cosmetics, Tiffany Herrmann was in elementary school, she was sometimes viewed as different since she needed the corner desk to avoid bumping anyones elbow when she wrote with her left hand. As she got older, others found her left-handedness intriguing. But as the daughter of a leftie, she worked to accept and foster her unique skill, instead of fighting it. The process was one that taught her to embrace who she is - regardless of what others think.I learned a little more creative than the others growing up, and Im not sure if its because of the left-hand/right brain, but it taught me to not worry about what others thought of me and to just be me, she shares.Be open to critical feedbackAdjusting - often in real time - to right-handed everything requires a nimble approach to life. And perhaps, the ability to be open-minded when others critique your performance or give you feedback. For Walsh, being open to opinion - positive or negative - is an important pillar of success. On the belastung Saturday of every month, he sits down to read all of the bad reviews, all in an effort to improve his business strategy and customer satisfaction.While it can be painful at times, this openness to criticism has lead to exponential improvements and has allowed us to form strong relationships to supporters who were formerly some of our strongest critics, he says.Look at the entire landscape of your careerWhen youre a lefty, you view the world differently. Often times, lefties are able to process information quicker since they use both sides of their noggin, and they tend to focus on the overall, long-term vision instead of the small details of the here-and-now. Rudolph recommends this approach to the tenure of your career, too.Instead of climbing in a linear progression, evaluate new roles based on an opportunity to learn something completely different and develop a new side of your professional self. The more knowledge you have, the better you can put the pieces together and see the big picture, he explains.Always believe in yourself and keep your eyes on the targetNo matter how successful someone is, how much money they earn each year or how often they are recognized by their industry or peer groups, everyone has those no-good, terrible days. Your dominant hand doesnt determine this - but rather, is a fact that threads of all together. Herrmann says its important to always keep your eyes on the target and to be your own number one fan.Dont feel sorry for yourself, because its normal to hit walls - just keep moving forward, she says. A lot of entrepreneurs and professionals tend to fail around the downs because they give up and walk away. If you have a goal in your career or a promotion that you are going for, and you dont get it the first time - its ok. Work on yourself. Get back up and try again.Treat people rightThough Walsh wasnt personally teased for being a lefty, some South Paws are. This might motivate them to write with their right hand, even if it isnt comfortable. Or in the case of Herrmann, she figured out how to use a marker on a whiteboard with her submissive hand, just so she wasnt embarrassed when her sleeve wiped away her scribbles in front of her friends.No matter the circumstance or human - from your employee to your client and beyond - Walsh stresses the importance of treating people right. For many, its a no-brainer way to conduct daily interactions, whether professional or personal, but its often forgotten in the heat of the moment or during stressful periods.The easiest way to get your team and customers to care about you is to show you care about them. Theyll notice, he adds.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Give a Speech, Get a Job

Give a Speech, Get a JobGive a Speech, Get a JobHow giving speeches can propel your job search.What? Stand up in front of an audience and give a speech Are you kidding? Id rather die Author Just about everyone.In fact, most people are terrified to give speeches - but once you overcome your fear, speaking to audiences large or small can be a powerful way to generate job opportunities and drive your career. You will discover that by giving speeches, your credibility skyrockets. In essence, you are showcasing your talents, expertise and confidence.Frequently, after your presentation, you will be invited by a member of the audience to speak to another group. You may also be asked to work with companies in a consulting, contract or employment role to help them achieve success. Plus, a list of your presentations on your resume is a grand slam.You should also videotape your speech, edit it down to about five minutes and post it on YouTube. You will have instantaneously enhanced your Intern et presence and brand image.Lets take a look at how you can generate speaking opportunities. Then Ill give you some easy tips and tricks on how to overcome your fear and give powerful presentations that leave your audience begging for mora. Yes, even you can be a great speaker. You just have to make the effort and practice every opportunity you get.OK, now lets go out and land some speaking engagements. You only need two things1. You need a topic.Everyone is an expert at something. The problem is that many of you dont recognize your special talent as being noteworthy. Yet there are many people who can benefit from your knowledge. I dont care if you are young or old, rich or poor, employed or unemployed you have a wealth of information that will benefit others. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowingAn administrator could speak on organization skills Throw Out the Old, in with the New Organization Secrets that Will Save You Thousands of Dollars.A housewife looking to get back in the job market could speak on coping with stress How I Raised Five Kids, Kept My Sanity and Ran my House Like a Well-Oiled Machine.An executive could speak on leadership Go Where No Others Have Gone, and Leave a Trail to Follow.2. You need an audience.You might not realize it, but there are a number of local clubs, non-profit organizations, community groups, church groups, social groups and trade associations in search of speakers. You just have to approach these groups with your topic, state why it is relevant to their audience, and show them a summary of your experience as someone with a vast amount of information to share with the group. You will be amazed at how easy it is to land those speaking gigs.Now I want you to overcome your fear - not your fear of speaking but your fear of revealing something of yourself.Most people fear speaking because they are afraid of how they might look or sound. I cant tell you how many times I have had new speakers say they just don t want to make a fool of myself. It is rare that any speaker makes a fool of him- or herself. Usually it is the audience members that make fools of themselves You need to understand that everyone has butterflies before giving a presentation. The secret is to get the butterflies to fly in formation. Heres how1. Breathe deeply.Before you walk out in front of your audience, take a few deep breaths. Breathe in through your mouth, hold the oxygen in your lungs, and then expel through your nostrils. The fresh oxygen eases the tension and makes the mind work better. Try it a couple of times. You will see what I mean. I have a great videotape of Johnny Carson doing this before he would go on the Tonight Show. Yes, even Johnny Carson got butterflies. And before he walked on stage in front of millions in his TV audience, he would breathe deeply a couple of times to relax and get his mental juices flowing.2. Know your introduction.Dont memorize it, but practice many times so that it flows smoo thly.3. Know your material.A little tidbit anyone who reads three books on any one subject knows 90 percent more than the rest of the world on that subject. Research, analyze, absorb and understand all the nuances of your material.4. Know your audience.What is their expectation? Education level? Demographic? You want to adjust your presentation to the needs of the audience.5. Interact with your audience.During your presentation, get out from behind the podium and interact. Ask questions, solicit comments and involve the audience in short give-and-take sessions. Everyone will feel more connected to you and respect your presentation.6. Rehearse.Practice makes perfect. Dont memorize your speech. If you do, your speech will sound canned - but practice as many times as possible so you really know your material and what you want to say. Practice in front of your family - even your dog or cat - just make certain you practice.Now you have gotten the butterflies to fly in formation and yo u are ready to knock the socks off your audience. Take it a step further by putting pizzazz into your presentation by incorporating these tacticsEye communicationAs you move about your audience, make direct eye contact with different individuals. Hold that eye contact for four to six seconds. That connection brings intimacy to your presentation and everyone feels your sincerity.Voice communicationYou want to display a roller coaster of energy. Use a combination of varied pace, pitch and pause.GesturesNovice speakers have a hard time making expansive gestures with their arms or body, and they restrict their movement in the audience. They stand like beanpoles in one spot. When you practice, practice with movement. Here is a challenge. Practice your speech without words. Just practice your body language.Touching their heartsMy speaking philosophy is simple If you touch my mind, I will be grateful, but if you touch my heart, I will never forget you. Capture your audience with stories fr om the menschengerecht experience comedy, tragedy, romance, family, friends, living, dying, career success or career failure. Your audience will always identify with the human experience. You will have touched their hearts. You will have given a powerful presentation.Introductions with pizzazzGet your speech off to a great start by telling a story from the human experience. Or consider other introductions which can also be powerful including the following ask provocative questions, present a startling fact or use relevant quotations.Conclusions that leave them begging for moreHere is a common mistake made by almost every speaker. At the conclusion of the speech, he/she takes questions. Guaranteed the presentation will end on a flat note. Rather, you should indicate at the beginning of your speech that you will take questions, but then after the questions you will have some closing remarks. These closing remarks will be your opportunity to wow your audience. Your conclusions should i nclude at least one of the following establish self-esteem, incorporate a call for action, be a catalyst of ideas that help overcome problems, deal with crises, encourage involvement in their cause, or inspire them to embark on a noble quest.I have only scratched the surface in terms of using speaking to drive your career, but perhaps I have motivated you to learn more and begin the process. Most of you have heard of the Toastmasters organization. I encourage all of you to join a local chapter. It is an extraordinary community of wonderful people who will help you in your quest to be a speaker.Take the challenge. Build your topic, find an audience and speak from your heart. You will probably generate numerous career opportunities. But more importantly, the personal satisfaction, pride, sense of accomplishment, and gift you have given to others, are rewards that are beyond description.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Meaning of How to Make a Professional Resume

The Meaning of How to Make a Professional Resume A resume header is a very important detail. Its simple to compose a good resume. Furthermore, be sure that your resume is formatted well. Be sure your resume is simple to read. It is advisable to end by stating that youre anticipating hearing from the employer soon. Look to the work description as it provides you with a superb idea of the particular wording employers are interested in from their applicants. 10 signs you should depart from your job. Highlight Your Relevant Skills Only What you need to do to get yourself in for an official interview is highlight your abilities. The resume relocation is mucksmuschenstill relevant and useful in the present competitive job industry. If you seek the services of a recruiter. The Bizarre Secret of How to Make a Professional Resume There is just one chance to create a first impression. The words you opt to use should describe what you need to offer in a short and effectual way. D eveloping a great resume is the very best way it is possible to make that first impression. To start with the obvious, a resume is not simply another bit of paper. Its always a good idea to look over any cover letter which has been edited. A cover letter is crucial. If youre dispatching the cover letter and the references together with the resume, youve got to be sure they all match. What is Actually Happening with How to Make a Professional Resume One who has great expertise in your field will be in a position to steer you and advice in line with the professions customs. Your resume may have many different regions of work experience. Make certain you get the information youre looking for. After youve gathered your information, youre prepared to choose a sort of resume that is suitable for your experience best. If you are thinking youll want to pay a rolle to find a quality resume, then think again. The ideal way to earn a professional resume that works is to incorporat e a professional resume template with the precise language your upcoming employer is searching for. If you arent making an attempt to speak the language of each organization you send your resume to, you are not going to find success in the job-search practice. A well written resume will make you distinguish yourself from everyone else even if theres tough competition. The keyword phrases you use when writing a quality resume can help you prepare for interview questions which may have similar key phrases. You simply require a few crucial pointers from professional resume writers. Resume writing must be carried out professionally because your career is dependent on it. It can be challenging to understand precisely where to start when writing your resume. How soon would you like to get your order. To begin with, you must understand what kind of information to gather. Many times theres a unique format which is required and if you dont refer to resume examples then you may not know that requirement in the slightest. One other great choice to think about when you will need to make your resume is GraphicRiver. LinkedIn is a well-known site with recruiters that permits users to share resume-type details on their profiles. For this reason, you should be diplomatic when developing such a CV. The bulk of contemporary resumes now include a profile instead of an objective statement. Evidently, the candidates will need to concentrate on their individuality to produce the CVs effective. Resumes are important for a wide number of professionals. They are a very unique type of document.

Monday, December 2, 2019

T. Rowe Price Commits to Diversity Inclusion

T. Rowe Price Commits to Diversity Inclusion Below is an article originally written by PowerToFly Partner T. Rowe Price. Go T. Rowe Prices Page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.ChallengeDiversity and inclusion has been a key priority for T. Rowe Price at the leadership level since 2007, but we needed to drive the priority deeper in the organization.ActionsWe created a Diversity Inclusion Operating Committee. Members are direct reports of business unit leaders and are accountable for ensuring diversity and inclusion results are achieved. Recognizing that each business unit had different needs, we engaged specific business units to fully understand their needs and how we could ultimately help to fill those gaps by positioning diversity and inclusion as a business priority.Each business unit developed an action plan that focused on addressing specific gaps that have been a challenge to progression business goals. Although action plans were tailored to fit each business unit, all plans needed to align with T. Rowe Prices overall diversity and inclusion strategic plan and included a slate diversity goal of 30% for leadership roles. As a result, a few high level themes were identified across all plans, includingDevelopment and recruitment of high potential diverse talentAwareness and communication of diversity and inclusion goalsManager support through training and developmentPlans were reviewed by business leaders and human resources partners to ensure action plans could be executed over an 18-month period. Quarterly reviews have been implemented to monitor progress and measure results. Through the development of plans we operationalized diversity and inclusion in the business and empowered the business to outline specific actions that would drive accountability.OutcomesAction plans have been developed across all business units and are currently being executed. The firm has exceeded the 30% slate diversity goal and increased ethnic diversit y at the leadership level.ContactBriana Wessell Briana_WessellTRowePrice.comOur commitment to diversity and inclusion goes pfote in hand with our desire to attract and retain the best talent and provide the best solutions for our clients. Fulfilling that commitment is a journey, however, not a destination. The CEO Action for Inclusion pledge unifies major companies in their efforts to raise awareness on such an important issue, and helps foster an environment of greater accountability.- William J. Stromberg, President and Chief Executive Officer, T. Rowe Price One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youl l likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the wertzuwachs of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income qualifikation/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to spielblttchen up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

3 Practical Metrics for a Successful Recruiter

3 Practical Metrics for a Successful Recruiter3 Practical Metrics for a Successful RecruiterAs a professional in an HR field, recruiters often face difficulties gauging their personal successes. The assignment based nature of the role and continuous juggling act as you look to fill multiple positions across companies and even industries can make tracking your progress and growth all but impossible. There is, after all, a reason that people dont compare apples to oranges.Even with all these disparities among individual job fills and distinct tasks, there are still certain commonalities that you can use to independently judge performance, ensuring you remain at the top of the recruitment game. Here we break down the practical milestones, or metrics, that show progress and help track truly successful recruiters.1. Time to FillWhen it comes to being a successful recruiter, the measure of time to fill for any open position may be the gold standard by which to judge success. The last thing clients looking for new employees need is to have a vacant position sit stagnant for an extended period of time. Reduced staffing typically brings extra costs in terms of overtime, reduced response times and lower customer satisfaction. Having a low time to fill metric means that you can help your hiring clients reduce costs and button up uncertainties to maintain business continuity.Time to fill metrics can be higher than optimal for a variety of reasons that are out of a recruiters control. If your candidate resumes are rejected frequently by the employer, consider setting up an anfangsbuchstabe phone or in person interview with the person in charge of hiring decisions with the client in order to obtain a better idea of the type of candidate they may be looking for. Scheduling interviews closely together and consistently follow up for feedback from the interview are also key factors for narrowing the time it takes to close the hiring deal.2. Cost Per HireWhether its your weekly g rocery bill, that next auto purchase or filling a job vacancy, keeping costs low is always a desirable outcome. The cost per hire metric is important as it effects your clients bottom line and is one of the most immediate ways hiring managers will use to judge a recruiters success when deciding whether to go back to a particular agency or sitzordnung agent.When aiming to keep your cost per hire metric down, consider a number of different steps and be sure to factor in actual money output as well as the value of time spent. For example, advertising job opening on for pay sites or a recruiters own placement fee are immediately apparent to hiring managers. The value of time spent in the hiring process may not be immediately apparent on a balance sheet but will be felt and questioned by sophisticated managers and HR professionals. Ensure that your candidates show up to interviews on time and utilize scheduling, follow up and precise candidate targeting to minimize the time a client will be left with a vacant, non-productive opening. All of these actions will help reduce your cost per hire metric and have you looking like a recruiter super star.3. Time to Productivity (AKA the Onboarding Process)As an internal manager, hiring professional or recruiting lead you know that getting the candidate in the door is only one-half of the hiring process. Once youve found and hired your new employee there will be time and resources needed in order to get them up and running in a productive manner. This onboarding process is critical for both long and short term employee success and makes a valuable metric by which to judge the proficiency of any hiring professional.Starting out with quality candidates will certainly set the stage for a smooth onboarding. In addition, encourage first day and week training in company technology, procedures, and culture that will help avoid any unnecessary hiccups in administrative tasks right out of the gate. Next, ensure that the company or dep artment has in place a well-developed training schedule for the individual position. This schedule should focus on the key skills needed in the job description as well as a plan for thoughtful instruction in their areas that builds off of the previously learned skills. Each of these approaches will help create an efficient, smooth and quick onboarding process that benefits the employee and company.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What to Do in College To Help You Land a Job

What to Do in College To Help You Land a JobWhat to Do in College To Help You Land a Job11 Things to Do During College to Help You Land a Job After CollegeMake yourself a stronger candidate for your post-grad job search.As a recent high school graduate or new college student, you might not want college graduation advice or to be thinking about your life after college just yet.However, its never too early to begin thinking about your future. You dont need to know exactly what you want to do when you grow up, but you can begin to consider your professional persona and also take steps to help yourself land a job after your college graduation.As a recent college graduate, youll be considered an entry-level employee. This title implies that youll have little to no work experience to show on your resume. With that said, there are other activities you can participate in or focus on to add a bit of oomph to your resume that will catch a prospective employers attention. You can also begin to connect with experienced professionals and address other factors employers look at, like social media activity, when making hiring decisions.Below Ive provided some college advice, ideas, and tips to consider during your days on campus to help you land your dream job with more ease after your graduation. With a good dose of preparation and a dash of luck, you might even land your dream job prior to graduating, which is typically the goal. Join clubs and organizationsOne of our best pieces of college advice is to get involved Participating in clubs and organizations is a great way to show initiative. If you join committees, even better, as it shows you can handle several responsibilities (club meetings, committee attendance, keeping the grades up) simultaneously. Once you enter the working world, you might find yourself in a similar situation, and employers will take this experience into consideration.Find part-time workMany college students turn to part-time work to have some spendi ng money or help pay for college expenses. Another advantage of part-time work is the fact that it shows future employers that you are responsible and can hold down a job. Your supervisor could even act as a reference for future applications. Holding down a part-time job through college can help in getting a job after college. If youre worried about how to balance school and work, know that employers who hire college students typically understand that you need a flexible schedule, so you wont need to stress about scheduling conflicts.Start your own business or freelanceAlong the same lines as finding part-time work, nothing shows initiative to a prospective employer like freelancing or starting your own business. If you have any skills, like graphic design or writing, you could make some extra cash using freelance sites like upwork.com. Direct sales companies like NYR Organics, Jafra, and Isagenix can also be a great way to make some extra cash while adding to your work experience o n your resume. Do your research, though, to determine what would work best for you and to avoid potential scams.RelatedWays to Earn Extra Cash Outside Your 9 to 5Volunteer or get involved with the communityAnother way to get involved while in college is to start volunteering It shows good effort, initiative, and responsibility if you choose to get involved with charities or community organizations. Employers also like to hire people who care about supporting and helping others, as youll need to have such a perspective to work effectively in team environments. Keep your grades upThough grades arent the only thing an employer looks at, having good grades does make landing a job easier in many cases. You dont need to graduate with honors to land a decent job, but grades do impact an employers decision when youre first starting out as a new hire, largely because you have little to no work experience from which to base your performance potential.Socialize and enjoy lifeIt may come as a s urprise, but having a social life is just as important as keeping the grades up. Employers consider personality and emotional intelligence when it comes to cultural fit, and your social interactions are where these characteristics come from. Your life experiences also provide you with information to pull from during the interview process. At the same time, be responsible. A DUI or consequences from poor decisions and actions can have a negative impact on your future employment.Identify leadership opportunitiesIf you dont think it will add too much to your plate, consider a nomination for leadership roles, such as President or Secretary, for the clubs and organizations in which you participate. Prospective employers will notice this type of initiative on your resume, and the experience will also present you with more examples to pull from during your future application and interview process.NetworkIf youre in your later years of college, you likely have chosen a major and can now ide ntify industry-specific clubs and organizations to join and participate in. These are great networking resources to use for future opportunities, and you might even make friends that will be a part of your life for years to come. Networking online counts too. Its not too early to create a professional LinkedIn profile, considering that almost 90 percent of employers hired an individual via LinkedIn in 2014 per a report by Capterra.Mind your social media Ps and QsPer a 2013 CareerBuilder report, almost half of all employers surveyed use of social media to research candidates and reject many based on their social media activity, such as putting down current co-workers and companies, provocative photos, and more. Be mindful of your social media activity now to support you in getting a job after college.Related20+ Social Media Dos and Donts Every College Grad Should KnowConsider graduate schoolMany of us think well go back to get a graduate degree later, but life happens and it can beco me challenging to find the time. It can sometimes be easier to go straight through from undergrad to graduate school if youre inspired to do so. This is what I did, and it was the best decision I could have made as far as my education was concerned. It boosted my hirability and doubled my starting salary compared to what I would have been making with just an undergraduate degree.In some instances, going to graduate school right after undergraduate school also supports those who would like to focus on a different major because they arent in love with the discipline they chose as an undergrad (keeping in mind that some graduate degrees do require a certain type of undergraduate degree or course requirements to be accepted).Utilize your schools career counseling centerMost colleges have some type of career counseling or employment support center to help students create resumes, cover letters, and apply for positions. Take advantage of it if your school has one. Many departments also br ing in employers for students to interview with. This is how I landed my graduate internship and first job out of graduate school. Even if youre not interested in a particular employer, it can be worth it to apply to interview with them just for the experience of going through the interview process youll be better equipped to interview with the employers you do want to work for. It will pay off down the road even if you choose just one or two of the pieces of college advice in this list and take action during your college years. Doing so will put you ahead of the game when it comes to your competition during what can be a daunting job-search process after graduation.Click on the following link for more tips for your job search.How are you faring with bringing this together on a resume? Submit for a free resume critique to get objective feedback and find out.Photo credit college.library/FlickrRecommended ReadingThe Best Jobs for 2018 and What That Means for College StudentsJob-Search Tips for Recent College GradsTop Entry-Level Jobs for College Graduates

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Enlist in the Army Special Forces - Option 18X

How to Enlist in the Army Special Forces - Option 18XHow to Enlist in the Army Special Forces - Option 18X18X (18 XRAY) isnt actually a Military Occupation Specialty (MOS), but you can select that as your pre-enlistment option as you depart for Basic Combat Training (BCT). You can still get to Army Special Forces from the Army and request a transfer to attend SFAS - Special Forces Assessment and Selection. But, the 18x is a way to guarantee the opportunity once the recruit completes Basic Combat Training, Advanced Individual Training (Infantry), and Airborne Training. A recruit who enlists in the 18X Special Forces enlistment program will attend Infantry OSUT (One Station Unit Training), which combines Army Basic Training and Infantry AIT (Advanced Individual Training), all in one 17-week course. Upon graduation, recruits attend Airborne Training at Fort Benning, GA. Jump School is a three week course where static line jumping is taught on a large scale. After jump school, soldiers w ill be shipped to Fort Bragg, North Carolina and attend a five phase program that will prepare them, teach them, and test and evaluate their capabilities to join the Special Forces Groups in the Army.Most Special Forces candidates come from the active duty side of the Army versus from the recruiting program. The recruiting option to speed up the SF pipeline is needed to create more eager candidates that may have not been willing to wait a few years in their unit before going to selection. Special Forces l One The Special Forces Qualification Course Phase 1A is four weeks long and will be a month of in-processing, intense PT, land navigation courses, and long and fast ruck marches. This phase was formerly called Special Operations Prep Course I (SOPC I). The Special Forces Qualification Course Phase 1B is a four week assessment and selection program that is designed to expose weaknesses in body, mind, or spirit. Soldiers will be tested psychologically, physically on runs, rucks, swims, obstacle courses, and more land navigation. Successful graduation and selection of this four week course will allow the soldier to enter the Special Forces Qualification Course to become an Army Special Forces soldier. This phase was formerly called Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). Special Forces Prep Course (SFPC) - This is a two week instructional course to help bring soldiers up to speed on small unit tactics, conducting raids, ambushes, recon, and patrolling as a small squad sized element.(Formerly known as SOPC II). For soldiers who cannot swim or have difficulty, there is also a two week swim program that they will attend prior to Phase 2. Common Core Training - This 19 day course will take newly selected Q Course soldiers and teach them the leadership methods of Special Forces with the Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC), Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course (BNCOC), as well as squad and platoon tactics. Special Forces Phase 2 Special Forc es Qualification Course Phase 2 is a combined small unit tactics (SUT) and survival, evasion, resistance, and escape (SERE) training program. Here they will learn more advanced patrolling techniques in the squad and platoon sizes, rifle and pistol marksmanship, as well as survival school where surviving in remote areas, avoiding capture by enemy forces, resistance and escape skills if captured. This is a combined 8 week course. Special Forces Phase 3 After fully assessing each Soldiers capabilities by testing his physical, emotional, and mental stamina as well as tactical skills, the soldier now has the opportunity to make a meaningful and educated decision about SF and his career plan. Now, the soldier will start to learn the tools of the trade and his career will be focused in one of the Special Forces MOSs. The SFQC teaches and develops the skills necessary for effective utilization of the SF Soldier.behauptung include foreign internal defense and direct action missions as pa rt of a small operations team or detachment. Duties at other levels involve command, control, and support functions. Frequently, duties require regional orientation, to include foreign language training and in-country experience. The SF places emphasis not only on unconventional tactics, but also knowledge of nations in waterborne, desert, jungle, mountain, or arctic operations. Phases 3 is known as the MOS Qualification Phase. For the enlisted Soldier, the decision concerning the four specialties will be made based on your training background, aptitude, and desire and the needs of CMF 18. During this phase, Soldiers are trained in their different specialties (1) 18B - SF Weapons Sergeant. Training includes Tactics, anti-armor weapons utilization, thefunctioning of all types of U.S. and foreign light weapons, indirect fire operations, man-portable air defense weapons, weapons emplacement, and integrated combined arms fire control planning. Training is conducted at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and is 13weeks long. (2) 18C - SF Engineer Sergeant. Training includes Construction skills, field fortifications, and use of explosive demolitions. Training is conducted at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and is 13 weeks long. (3) 18D - SF Medical Sergeant. Training includes Advanced medical procedures to include trauma management and surgical procedures. Training is conducted at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and is approximately 46 weeks long. (4)18E - SF Communications Sergeant. Training includes Installation and operation of SF high frequency and burst communications equipment, antenna theory, radio wave propagation, and SF communication operations procedures and techniques. Training culminates with an around-the-world communications field performance exercise. Training is conducted at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, and is 13 weeks long. Special Forces Phase 4 Language Training. All Soldiers will attend Special Forces Language school at the Special Operations Academic Facility, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Languages are assigned in relation to the score from theDefense Language Aptitude Battery, (DLAB), which is taken either prior to or at the beginning of SFQC. Each Soldier must score at least a 0/0 to be considered language qualified. The language course in which the Soldier is selected to attend will most likely reflect the SF Group in which he will be assigned. Example language course lengths are Arabic Korean Polish Russian Czech Tagalog Persian Thai Serbo Croat (6 months training), and Spanish Portuguese French (4 months training). Special Forces Phase 5 The culminating training exercise is known as Robin Sage. During this 5 week course, the students will form their own Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA), a 12 man team who will be tasked with simulated real world scenarios. Soldiers will be tested in a full array ofSpecial Operations(SO) classes, Direct Action (DA) Isolation, Air Operations, Unconventiona l Warfare classes, Isolation training, counterinsurgency, and foreign internal defense (FID) that ends with ROBIN SAGE. Individuals who fail any of the above training courses will have their enlistment contracts renegotiated to the 11B (Infantryman) MOS and will be reassigned to an Infantry unit. However, under the current policy, they will be allowed to retain any 18X enlistment bonus, unless disqualification is due to misconduct. The Army Special Forces soldiers are warriors and teachers. Being mature going into this profession is a requirement.